Keep going, participate, we will be stronger at the end.

February 07, 2021 00:58:54
Keep going, participate, we will be stronger at the end.
Keep going, participate, we will be stronger at the end.

Feb 07 2021 | 00:58:54


Show Notes

Radical Groups, let's talk about covid, minimum wage, the 2T tax bill and much more.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning everybody. It's Saturday and I'm in one of my favorite spots where I can sit and talk to the air. Uh, I have people convinced that I could talk to anything and they're just about right. But, uh, in all truth, things are getting a little crazier. But so I may pontificate and talk about things. This is not to talk down, it's just to talk through, uh, in my life. I have been fortunate enough, I guess is the way I look at it, to deal with issues and problems and people. That's how you learn. That's how you understand. It's not that if people are worse off than you are, that you feel better. That's stupid. But life throws a lot of things at us. And humanity's been around for many, many years. Let me just say that. Speaker 0 00:01:02 I've been privileged enough to meet a lot of people travel to enough places. Last week, I, I called it step by step, my subtitle for the thing. I do actually try and come up with a subtitle for each show, each podcast. So step by step is when you're in the middle of something, you gotta finish it. You, you know, bought yourself, uh, a kit to build a desk, uh, a bookshelf, whatever. It was a bargain. But you have to put it together. You've gotta make it work. And if it falls over, it's cuz you didn't put enough into it. Speaker 0 00:01:41 And that's really society and life. W we get out of it what we put into it. And if we're just looking to extract fun, you're not really participating. So step by step leads you to this week's show, which is, and I'm real serious about this, keep going, participate and we will be stronger at the end. Now life doesn't end unless we blow the planet up or we all die or something else. So by the end, in this case, I mean we're going through something that's a little horrific, but we've been going through things since this country was founded. The issues that you hear Joe Biden and it's interesting, I find him interesting cause he's been around, let's call it at least five decades in, in uh, public life. So whatever he is made, whatever he is gone through, personal tragedies, he's suffered. That's why he looks at people and thinks about what he wants to do because of things that he's personally lost. Speaker 0 00:02:55 When you lose family or close relatives or whatever, it shouldn't take that. It doesn't take a human being who we have the capacity to emphasize over what's happening to people. To just walk by, to walk down a street. If you're in a big city and there are people sleeping on a sidewalk cause that's where they ended up that night. And you know, till they get hassled and moved away, find another doorway or another alley to sleep in. Don't get me wrong, for the majority of the life, the human beings, we lived in caves or in the woods or wherever, till we got to the point where we started to build more permanent villages. Not just teepees, not just little huts. And we don't need them to exist. And with modern understanding of circumstances and modern clothing, cuz you could buy clothing to go on an adventure anywhere on this planet. Speaker 0 00:04:00 They'll keep you cool, keep you warm, keep you comfortable. You could buy these little stoves that you can cook your stuff so you don't have to worry about food except taking long enough stuff for your trip. But the trip that we really make is our life from the beginning to the end. And how we interact with people. Don't get me wrong, I've run into people that you can offer to help them in a nice way. Get to know them and say, well you know, you want to do this, you want to do that. They don't. And even when they have it, they've lost spirit. Does that mean you should give up on them? No. But does that mean you should sacrifice your life to not have your own life? No, I talked about yin and yang a couple of weeks back also. That's the proverbial balance in life that from the ancient cultures, the orient where they came back with they, they understood life is uh, give and take, push and pull, whatever you want to call it. Speaker 0 00:05:08 You know the famous statements about polar opposites attracting in the rest of that and actually like kinds repelling each other. You know all these symbolisms in science, I firmly believe in science, but when I say science, in science, we have theories. That's how we advance science. We say, I think this might be happening because, and then we try and prove it or find out if we can show that it does work that way. But there is science that says, I've discovered bacteria and I know what this bacteria does to people. So I wanna end up creating refrigeration, pasteurization for milk. We are the beneficiaries of the people who came before us. If we're too stupid to understand that, then we squander it and we ourselves get to suffer. Speaker 0 00:06:04 So we're going through stuff and probably six to nine months ago, easily, I did a podcast where I spoke when this pandemic was starting and I recognized I, I don't care again, I listen to anything and everything, but we are not dumb. I don't care how educated you are in a school, that doesn't matter. I've known people who are just naturally smart. They look at things, they feel what it's doing, they read, they analyze and they understand what they should do as a reaction. Nothing wrong with formal education. It's great. In fact, the more formal education you can get depending on what you wanna do or what you're interested in, you could learn all of the things that people have accumulated over time and then you can advance it. Very important. And you can't just go into an operating room and say, I wanna be a doctor. Speaker 0 00:07:04 Let me have the scalpel. You wanna put your mother or father or your brother on the table for you to play with. So again, life is an accumulation of learning and understanding and feelings. We have to know how to balance this. When I was younger, and I know I've discussed this way back, uh, I recognized that it was an easy way of kind of looking at life. Uh, when you looked at the ancient Greeks, you had the Spartans and the Athenians. There were a lot of other ones around, but they were the ones who've been written about more. The Spartans were the tough ones. You didn't show pain, you just kept going ahead. You didn't get distracted by your pain. If you were in a battle, you don't have time to say, ouch, I'm bleeding. When you get distracted you get killed. The Athenians were the lovers of beauty and reading and science and that's great, but I decided you reserve that for when you have time to really appreciate it. Speaker 0 00:08:08 If I stop and smell the flowers when people are trying to hack me to death, I may, I must smell the flowers again. So it's this balance that we all learn that happens day to day, minute to minute. I am so proud of the American public because starting in 2018 they said, you know what, we've gotta participate more. And they did. They came out and they voted, they broke the republic. And believe me, when I use the term Republican or Democrat, I've got good friends who know that I've registered as a Democrat and I keep reminding them, I said, I register so that I can vote in these primaries. Which is where a lot of the times the people are chosen that you have left to pick from at the end. If you wait for that one big election at the end you only get the leftovers that came out of the primaries. There could have been people who were excellent that if it wasn't for you sitting on your ass and not voting in the primaries, you didn't have a chance to get that person at the end to elect to run our country. It's that simple. Votes count. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:09:24 This last election over 150 to 155 million people came out and voted. Trump who likes to cite numbers said he got more votes than anybody ever got except for the guy who beat him. We have over 300 million, somewhere in the 330 million category of people in this country. We have possibly people of voting age. And again, I don't have the exact numbers in my head closer to 200 some odd million. So that means even with 150 million voting, they got another 50 to 70 million who didn't get off their ass. We get what we pay for and pay for. It's not always money, we pay for it in aggravation If we have to live through someone destroying what we have Speaker 0 00:10:23 Many people. Look, I grew up in New York City, I'm older than Donald Trump. He was never a Republican or Democrat mainly He seemed to be a Democrat back in his older days. But as he even admitted, if you go back and listen cuz he loves to blurt out in public, he said, I donated to both sides. I want to have access. Gotta got a lot of money to waste. By the way, the man tells you that it's not his money he's wasting when he is declaring bankruptcy. It's borrowings from a bank and it was your money that sat in the bank. Speaker 0 00:11:01 This man is going up for insurrection. If you have any Republican friends, if you live in any of the districts, did these Republican senators tell them this is their last chance? Cause right now we've got a woman from Georgia who's inherited I think a family business. So she's got enough money to do nothing and she's part of qan. You know what, there are a lot of radical groups. I by myself can be considered a radical group cuz I believe in understanding what you're doing and giving no excuses. If you have to do it, get your ass out there and do it. So I'm gonna give you some tales, not tales. I read in a book Tales I've experienced people I've known, I've been around a lot of years at this point. Speaker 0 00:11:53 I hate myself if I learned nothing from all of those years. We had that wonderful World War ii. It was quite devastating when you watch the pictures and the bombing and the rest of it. But if you ever get the chance, you know you see these people every now and then who are a hundred years old or around. I consider it fortunate that I've known people, not just my own family who came over here, but people that I've run into that I know long enough. I mean you have enough drinks or you're quiet enough and you get them to open up. It's like Vietnam veterans, what they saw in that war when they fought on the ground and in those towns and had to do, they very rarely when they came back wanted to talk about it. Forget that the country when they first came back, treated them like shit because we protested that war. Well those guys didn't have a choice. They served their country, honor them as a human who kept you safe. They may not have wanted to go but they were facing arrest so they suffered. So you can have what you have if you don't want laws that are wrong, make sure you build the country strong enough. Make sure you know who's running for office at the lowest level. Make sure your dog catcher, your tax collector is someone that you want handling part of your life. Speaker 0 00:13:31 So million things I could talk about but I did. I've known personally people who knew people during the war and you gotta filter it. You know if these people lie or not, after you know them a while, but you also know when it's their personal experience what they did. I've known people who lived through World War II and they lived through because they lived in Europe and when their town or city was bombed in one of these runs where they were trying to hit some factories and it wasn't precision bombing, think about this. We may bitch and moan because we've been going through strife. And don't get me wrong, Trump mishandled how he dealt with the pandemic. He wasn't suffering from it. So he didn't really worry. He doesn't empath, EEM empathize with people. Speaker 0 00:14:31 So as long as he gets what he wants, screw you. So let's understand this. I had people I know who were born in Europe. They grew up in these little towns, especially a few that I can pick outta my mind that we're in Germany. So World War ii, when we finally got over there and started bombing Germany to get even with what they did, we bombed these towns. Some of them had no names as they were tiny. But some of the people I know they lived in a town that after it got bombed you couldn't live there anymore. What did they do? I want you to think about this. Your family is living in a nice little cottage. Forget if it had running water or fancy tiles or nice carpets. That's not the point. They had food and shelter, maybe a farm. They worked on bread, they baked whatever. Speaker 0 00:15:29 But this war devastated the town they lived in. And this wasn't just one town, this was many towns cuz when we got even with Germany for what they did bombing the shit out of England and other places, we bombed the shit out of their place and back then their whole country's at war. So the whole place was a target again, no precision bombing, just bombing. They used people to fight their war one way or another. So these people, and these are actual memories they told me about what they lived through. They got their little cart. You see it in some movies where you see people streaming down a road cuz their town was burnt down or something. It really happens in life. Speaker 0 00:16:18 So the family that's left, let's say the father keeping it simple was off in the war. So the mother and the kids pack up whatever they can take with them, put it on a cart whether they're pulling the cart, whether they had a horse handy, doesn't matter, they didn't have a nice S U V to put the stuff in and go over to U-Haul and buy, borrow a trailer. So they had nice stuff or an RV to roam around the countryside. No, they piled their shit on a wagon and moved it with them. And a lot of these people for many months or a year or more, spent the end of the war roaming around the countryside, staying away from big cities cuz they didn't wanna get bombed and trying to protect their children. And you wanna talk about horrific conditions. Imagine if you've got two, three sisters and maybe a brother and the oldest sister is starting to look like a little woman and you run into troops that are out there in the field and they decide this is war time. Speaker 0 00:17:25 I'm from another country, they're never gonna see me again. And they rape your sister, you hear her screaming in the middle of the night. These things happen. Humans become animalistic when they think they, their life is in danger and they're fighting. And these people started it. So I'm gonna get even, there's no excuse for this, but humans get ugly. So I want you to understand we are living through a very difficult period. This has brought our attention more on the inequalities of how we treat people. Groups that service things for us. If we don't get food delivered, how do you eat? You stay away from the restaurants cuz you don't wanna get hurt. I watch people that are being stupid this Super Bowl. I hope, I hope that you don't get people who decide they're gonna have a Super Bowl party in some parking lot somewhere. Speaker 0 00:18:26 And I hope they don't leave after their team wins, will losers, which doesn't matter. I've seen it happen. What I'm about to tell you, whether your team won or lost and they walk out into the streets of that city and especially the younger people, damn it, grow up, burn cars, throw them over. They're either celebrating the win or the loss. That's not celebrating, that's malicious activity. No better than the people Trump sent down to the capitol to tear down our government because he didn't like it. And what people still don't realize is it will come out. He's been milking our treasury and it's been hidden. It'll come out. May take a year or two, you'll hear about it. So I say again, life is wonderful. I believe in God and I believe in science. When I say science I mean facts that I can understand theories. Speaker 0 00:19:33 I postulated enough theories myself and I still do. But it is not wrong to believe in both. God can't be taken away from you. He's an inner strength that you can believe in forever. You can wonder why he abandoned you. If you're really getting pounded as many people have throughout history science, you could say okay I guess I read the wrong articles in the wrong books. I don't know how to start a fire. I don't know where I can uh, dig for water. A million different things in science. We create what we are after a while. We are responsible for who we are and how we treat people. And again, don't get me wrong, if people do not act right, I don't give them respect, I give them a distance. I don't have to like everybody who lives around me but I have to let them have their space. Speaker 0 00:20:35 So again, I say keep going, participate. And at the end we're gonna be stronger. Because when you work your way through something like this pandemic and you start to understand that that neighbor or your classmate is living in a neighborhood where they're not getting what you are getting, where they either don't have a supermarket to get foods, their vaccines are being used by other people. There are a ton of stories where people like me who are white come into neighborhoods where they know vaccine has been come in cuz they've got the internet, they're checking and they go get the vaccine. You know what, we're all gonna get through this. And there's no punishing people for being afraid to die. But eventually this has to get through to us as I've said. And I said there's a long time ago on my show, when you talk about strategic assets, we're a major country. Speaker 0 00:21:35 The most strategic asset we have is our children. I don't care what they look like, sound like, what color they are, what religion they are, they are what we're breeding. That will help us continue as a country. We lost four years and a lot of great alliances China because we've had people who offshored our manufacturing. I was reading about certain of the chips that we need for certain things. Imagine that chips that go in computers or in a device or whatever it is, we offshored that. Why did we offshore it? Profit greed. What's wrong with paying a little more doing it in our country and knowing when we need it, we've got it. What you don't see, cuz I've been trying to dig in and find it, the defense Production Act that Trump didn't use. Biden is using. The reason we don't have more vaccine is Trump, you know, put in orders and whatever. But he didn't get commitments. Jared who was handling the supplies, Jared handled whatever, put money in his pocket. Let me tell you that I can guarantee it. It will come out. Do not fall for false gods people who sound like they're great and strong and the rest of it. Speaker 0 00:22:59 People who don't take the responsibility of leadership, that they're leading a country, your life is in their hands, not by the way they act. So Speaker 0 00:23:13 Trump put a lot of emphasis on fossil fuels. Don't get me wrong, I believe, I know fossil fuels pollute the air. But that deals with what we're burning. What we haven't learned about controlling what comes off of the burning of fossil fuels. If we learn to capture, you hear the term carbon capture. I hate to say this, we as a creature are carbon based. Esca scientist. Read a book, don't tell you we are carbon based. We use carbon in so many things. And I'm not just talking about pencils but generators to pick up electricity and stuff. Carbon is an important thing, but we're wasting it. When we're burning fossil fuel and letting it go into the air and ruin our atmosphere and ruin our IE and everything else. We're killing ourselves slowly. We're still gonna die from it. So, and we can't overnight change fossil fuel. Speaker 0 00:24:18 And China has booked at least two dozen more coal fired plants they're gonna put online. Cuz as they grow and make money because we moved everything over there, they know that that's how they're earning their money. And they don't have anybody yelling, oh you're gonna pollute the atmosphere. The atmosphere they're polluting is our atmosphere. The atmosphere does not live on the ground. It lives above us. It moves around the planet. If somebody, excuse my expression, farts in a Soviet Union, you may not smell it, but believe it or not it's gonna move around and come to your town eventually. Speaker 0 00:25:01 So when you hear anything about this budget and Biden has the experience he lives through. What happened with Clinton while he was in the, while Biden was in the Senate. What happened with Obama while Biden was in the White House in both cases when they tried to be bipartisan. So now look at this. The people, the news, media, everybody else. He says he wants unity once bipartisanship. Yeah, I want it too. I'd like everybody to have an ice cream cone for dessert every time we have dinner. Is it gonna happen? No. If I learn that people promise it but don't give it to you. We'll like stand there waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. No. Speaker 0 00:25:50 So both at the beginning of the Clinton administration and the Obama administration, they tried to negotiate and see they'll make some stuff I want you on so it'll look better. People know we're working together. I hate to say this, they wasted at least a year each at the beginning of their administration not getting things done and maybe never getting them passed. Biden understands what happened. He was there. So he is going to pass this bill of 1.9 trillion through what they call reconciliation. He knows it's what's needed. Yes, we have over 300 million people but we have 10 to 20 million easily that are not working, not eating in a lot of cases. Speaker 0 00:26:45 A lot of people, it's sad. Humans usually don't really get it till it happens either to them or right next to them so they can see it. I've heard people speaking and saying literate, educated people saying, oh no it can't be. They showed a guy the other day who owns a bar lounge someplace and when they panned it you saw nobody wearing a mask in there and they're serving drinks and food and laughing and everything. Supermarket. In fact, yes I'm wrong. It was a supermarket and I think I had a guess cuz I could only see the end of the name. It was table. So I think there is uh uh a modern supermarket called farm to table. So you feel you're getting this organic or modern stuff instead of processed. Well that's great. But the guy who owned the store, he's out there without a mask. He says, no I don't wear a mask. I don't know that it really helps. Excuse me. When this thing started and we knew nothing about what it was and what it could treat, we knew it was airborne. I told anybody who wanted to listen that this will filter at least somewhat. What the hell? I'm breathing. We don't see the droplets but they get into us and then we can die from it. Speaker 0 00:28:01 So he's saying, well I don't know, 400,000 died. Well I guess they didn't pile the bodies in his parking lot so he doesn't believe it. He doesn't wanna believe it. He wants to live his wonderful life cuz it hasn't hit him. I hate to say it. I sometimes look at people like that and I say, you know what, you should be the next one to die from the disease cuz you are too stupid to stay alive. So when anybody talks about this bill 1.9 trillion, no matter what breakdown, they may change the minimum amount to make some people happy. That $15, you know Joe Manchin is from West Virginia. $15 per hour. A high hourly rate in a place that doesn't have those high of costs of living $15 an hour in a New York City. You could maybe live in a subway station if you're lucky. We are a large diverse country. It will adjust itself. People don't get paid The same thing for doing a job in New York that they do in South Dakota. An accountant in South Dakota gets x same accounting degree gets a lot more in New York cuz to get him in that office he has to be able to live there. Speaker 0 00:29:18 Economics to natural science. We learn about it but we don't always understand it. So the 1.9 trillion is gonna go to a lot of different pockets. And as I've said before, I want you, anybody who says it said, excuse me, the 1.9 trillion's gonna go to tens of millions of people throughout our country and that means they're going to spend it. And don't get me wrong, I've seen things where people are being very cautious. They'll put a little in the bank, more power to them. That's great. But there are a lot of people who don't even have a bank account right now. And yeah, there are people who get on food lines. You can find your examples who have a lot of feedback at home and have a lot of savings. If they can get something for free, they try and get away with it. Humans do ugly things, but it doesn't mean that the majority humans aren't suffering. Speaker 0 00:30:15 So the 1.9 trillion's gonna generally go out there, gutter people and what they're gonna do, oh let me just say this. Jerry Alton, great to have you around. He's planning an insurrection, all those followers, it is very dangerous out there. A lot of these militia groups are getting together. You may see some bloody crap happening in our country. It's because we into lax in understanding who we're voting for and what they stand for. For the last 30 or 40 years. We shouldn't need a war with this to happen to bring us together. Jerry, I know it great to have you around, but we gotta concentrate on what's needed Now anybody ask you and Mel be, let me just say hi to you again. Great to have you around. Constitutional laws are enforced regarding trees in perjury. I have said it. If nobody's listened to me, I filed with the Federal Election Commission. Speaker 0 00:31:16 I am waiting. His followers will wanna find me to execute me. Cause as far as I'm concerned, Donald Trump broke at least two major federal election laws in 2016 when he was running. He disqualified himself. The idiots running the Federal Election Commission. Should have written him a little note. By the way, you're no longer running. You broke the laws that you signed up for when you registered to run. I can't wait. And they'll say, well this has never happened. When my ruling finally gets out cuz it's still there. I've been called by these people. They finally have the commissioners to process it. There will be people who will hate me, look for my address and hunt me down. Let them, I believe in doing what I know is right. If I'm right when they finally get my ruling out. If Trump is invalid, forget the library. It means his, his uh, cabinet was illegal cuz he wasn't president. It means the judges, he appointed the 200 some odd a null and void. The three that are in the uh, the Supreme Court are null and void because he was invalid by his own hand under the laws he signed for when he applied to run for president. Speaker 0 00:32:46 I try and get this across to people and all these people are working on impeaching him and stopping him and doing, I'm sorry the man screwed up at the beginning under the law period. So anyway, I'm not worried. I've done things where my life is on the line. I'm not stupid. I don't turn my back on people. Are you shocked that Fox News has dropped Lou Dobbs? You know what? I used to like Lou Dobbs when he was on C N n when he moved over to Fox News. And if you go back and look at it, I hate to say it, Barack Obama, people pick on him. I can point out that Barack Obama, when he got into office, he didn't pass laws on L G B T Q or anything at the end. When he did, he used the term he evolved. He's a living thinking human. Speaker 0 00:33:46 We have prejudices. All of us do. I'm bigoted. I love pasta. I know it sounds like a joke but I'm not kidding. Don't leave pasta in front of me. I'll probably take it off your plate. Anyway, we have to understand ourselves better. So 1.9 trillion is gonna go into the pockets and hands of many, many people and allow businesses to open. Allow states to have money. Remember the money that's in the US Treasury is our money. It came out of our pocket. We're asking for it back so we can do what we need to get through the pandemic at the local level. I gave you the money to use, give it back during the Trump administration. How do we assure the constitutional laws are enforced regarding insurrection trees and perjury, obstruction adjusters, espionage edition, Mel? It's really simple by making sure we understand who's running for office, getting out there in the primary. Speaker 0 00:34:56 So we get people who are good to go forward to the final election. And for us standing up, I want us all to recognize that we had a big breakthrough where we got this election and we got Joe Biden enough votes in the right places and in Georgia, which this woman whose QAN on is from, we got two people elected, a black reverend and a white Jewish guy <laugh> from the south. That's a little unique. Not that there aren't a lot of Jewish people all over the place. We are responsible for what we get. A and 50 million came out to vote man. The people who think that they didn't get what they wanted are gonna be out again. We have to vote. The more people you have, the more opinions you have. We have to understand each other and allow each other to prosper and stop people who are nasty, not allow. Speaker 0 00:35:57 We need better gun control and stuff. Other subject remind anybody that the beginning of the Trump administration and I believe they did it under reconciliation, they passed a $2 trillion, little bigger than the 1.9 trillion, $2 trillion tax bill with the bulk of it. 85 90% went to one 10th or 1% of the population. They didn't need it to eat to live or anything else. That money did not go back into the economy. It went back into investments in ownership of more stuff. I did a podcast onur them in the old days in England, it's the easiest thing to point to a sharecropper is someone who worked on somebody's land and their rent was tilling the land and helping do it and they got to keep some of the stuff they did so they could eat. But the landlord was the one who got the final crop and made the money Who owned the land. That's what a lord and a surf relationship was. Speaker 0 00:37:04 Look, we have to understand history and what's going on now. So anybody gives you shit about 1.9 trillion, tell 'em at least it's going to millions of people, not a few thousand maybe who are on the top cream. And I'm not against those people. That's our system. You earned money, great. And we can get into the statistics of how little they pay overall as a percentage versus you or I, whatever average you fall into Biden's putting out a $15,000 first time buyer thing, which will stimulate the housing market. As a trained economist, I can tell you people can't always afford a down payment. If people can come up with a down payment, builders will build so that they can collect that money and make their profits, that'll mean we'll build more houses. I can go on. There are so many plans we have and I went to the federal government 40, 50 years ago with another guy where we showed them what we could do to take debt off the federal balance sheet and get more people owning where they live. They never processed it because greedy people wanted that. To convert these buildings and make 'em into condos and make a lot of money is a time when you understand that sharing makes sense. Speaker 0 00:38:33 McConnell hurt the impeachment vote when it started by letting Rand Paul give his speech. But no one telling you what would be the consequence if you don't understand what Donald Trump did. Imagine real Republicans for many years are being censured and primaried and they're threatening them. One of the things I wrote down for today was kind of simple, let me find it. Terrorism, if you look it up as a definition, it generally deals with fear and violence. Fear and violence. This sympathy that Trump always said like people are against him. That's a backward thing to fear. You're gonna lose your great leader cause you're not protecting him from these people who are beating on him. It's not easy to recognize sometimes, but terrorism deals with people having this certain fears and then violence being done and then it deals with intimidation. If you blow up a building or shoot students, you make people afraid to go against you Throughout history. We sacrifice to stop the as maniacs and maybe that's what we're gonna do. Again, it is our country. We have to pay for it. Speaker 1 00:40:12 Look Speaker 0 00:40:13 For giving for tuition. Let me remind you, you go back and Google it and study it. After World War ii, one of the greatest drivers of our economy and there were many different things and I can go into the Speaker 0 00:40:30 Planet we used for Europe to rebuild it. That helped us build and become the power we are. But after World War ii we gave a GI plan benefit where people could go to college, okay? And we would pay their tuition. Back then tuition was much lower, things weren't much lower. Things changed over time with inflation. There have been tons of studies done. The amount of people who got educated and started businesses and helped build the country and change who we are, we got back easily 10 or a hundredth fold. The money we invested, we gave it away. They didn't have to repay it, but we benefited as a country. We grew and made more money. Excuse me. Speaker 0 00:41:26 So whatever they relieve on tuition, that will mean especially people who struggle to make payments. Some of them do, some of them don't. Whatever the level is, it means that's less money. You have to lay out more money for you to use to live. Period. I keep repeating to people is that famous thing where they ask you, ever since I was a kid, people get phis. Savago. I will tell you how philosophical I am about this. They ask you, is the glass half empty or half full? Wow. They wanna see how much you think from the beginning when people would ask me that question, I said, if there's water in the glass, it means I have water to drink when I'm thirsty, I don't give a shit if it's half full or half empty. There's water to drink when I need it. That is the philosophical point you should get from that example period. Speaker 0 00:42:27 My interpretation. So the kgb, there's stories that have come out finally by reporters who dig this stuff out. That's how they make their money, that's how they become famous, the kgb. Even before Putin, I grew up understanding I was interested in everything. How do spies work and rest of it. I knew that big countries tri and plant spys in your country even when there isn't the war to see what's going on so they could see if something's happening. You don't wanna wait till somebody flies overhead and starts dropping bombs on you to find out that somebody hates you. So you plant a few people to live in these other countries. You wanna call 'em spies, fine, you can call 'em reporters. You listen to the right news media, you'll know what's going on. Speaker 0 00:43:23 The kgb, just like I'm sure we did with people in other countries, you try and put some seed money out there and you find people, especially when they're young, say, oh you are smart. Maybe you could just, you know, keep informing us whatever you know is going on cuz you become friends with them. That's how you cultivate someone who becomes a source of information. Guess who they cultivated and they cultivated tons of people. Sometimes the person you cultivated ends up in a place where you could use them and they're afraid to be exposed that you gave them help and money. Donald Trump was cultivated by the earlier versions of the kgb. He didn't care cuz if you know him, he said other people's money, as long as I have their money to spend, so if I lose it, I'm not losing anything. They cultivated him. Speaker 0 00:44:21 Remember when he got in office, the first people in the Oval Office were laar off and Kislyak two top Russians with nobody from American News media. We saw what happened by whatever was released or played on Russian television. Fema, they may use service members. They just announced the other day that I, I believe they're gonna use a thousand uh, military people to help man centers as needed. I had given my technical people to post, I think they posted it. I did my research. Cvs, Walgreens, just pharmacy pharmacies. Forget the ones that are buried in a Publix or a Winn Dixie or any other supermarket. But pharmacy businesses, I think we have close to 20,000 of those that operate. They give injections, whether it's for shingles or measles or smallpox or flu. They're already set up to give injections 20,000 do the math. If you take that and then by the way, we got another 10,000 are buried in supermarkets in little stores or in hospitals. By the time I was done looking at what exists out there, we have close to 40,000 places that give injections right now. And we're not talking about street people who pedaled dope. So I said if they even gave, it's a simple math problem. If they gave a hundred a day on average or a thousand a that whatever it is, pick your average small towns, big towns. Speaker 0 00:46:03 Ah, Donald Trump is only shifting money if you paid attention during his presidency, he had to close down his foundation cause his charitable foundation bought portraits of himself that hung in Mar-a-Lago or his clubs. That's illegal Under those laws that you set up those foundations, Donald is always cheating. He figured he'll wait to see who's gonna call them and then if he's got enough money, he spends money on appealing and lawyers and keeps you tied up. You are gonna run outta funds before he does and he gets away with it. I'm waiting for Leticia James, the attorney general in New York State to nail him. I'm waiting for Si Vance in New York to nail him. I'm waiting for people to wake up who look at him like this. Great God he's ripping you off. He's not for you. Follow what this man has done. So yes, there are tons of articles and I will be talking cuz it's going to come out. Speaker 0 00:47:10 I've been trying to tell people where to look. I am trained in accounting, taxation, finance as majors in my education. I have the knowledge of forensically understanding how to ferret out these things that I hidden. And in his case it isn't too hard. I've offered myself, when they get smart, they can ask me. I'll tell 'em 2020, the year 2020 all under Donald Trump. He likes to talk about being first in big numbers. Well let me just tell you our G D P, the gross domestic product had the biggest shrink shrink contraction since 1946. Since the end of World War II 1946. Speaker 0 00:48:06 It shrunk by three and a half percent. We've never had that happen since 1946. Trump, you have another first in your book. You're the first person who had G D P shrink like that in this great country with all of our resources. He tells you about 11 million jobs he created or whatever number he uses. He lost 20 million jobs. We've got at least 10 million people outta work. Last month we had 50,000 jobs created at that pace. It will take us 20 years to get the 10 million people that are unemployed from his era back. The man inherited a growing economy and he stood out there by saying, and we were stupid enough, some of us, he said, look at the stock market. I was taught when I was a kid. The stock market is gambling. Am I against it? No. People love to gamble. People love prostitution, people love drinking. People love drugs. Make it where you get the money and it doesn't go underground and come back to haunt you. Where we get the taxes out of it, that people are spending money on it to go back in our treasury so we don't have to pay more while that money goes underground. Hey guys, wake up. I want us to keep staying awake. Speaker 0 00:49:36 This thing with uh, GameStop and the rest, now with people being able to open their phones and hit Robinhood or something else and trade a share and not go to a big brokerage and open up a big account. Those hedge funds who have tons of money, your money, not just theirs that they use to control markets and movements in the market. Tons of these people went out there to make money. Sad part is it's like gambling with your rent money and then when you lose it, you're evicted. I saw one guy who was proud of himself because he put $4,500 into GameStop and now he had over a million dollars. I'm smiling. I said, if you can my mind sir, cash in a half a million dollars, you'll be ahead of the game. If you lose the other half a million when it crashes back down to what the market will pay for it, you'll be ahead of the game. People make money, they let it ride sometimes then they lose. They have nothing. The best gamblers in the world taught me that if you do win, you want to take enough out so you have at least what you started with. So you technically never lose simple people versus hedge funds. Hedge funds have so much money, they're starting to use certain mechanisms to buy up companies of other things. Controlling everything we buy use that will change if we're smart. Speaker 0 00:51:13 The Department of Justice is ending their contract with private prisons. Sounds like nothing. But when Trump came in and had us all riled up about the Mexicans and he sent troops to the southern border, he didn't hesitate to send troops when peasants were invading our country. When he sent that mob, 10 or 20,000 of them down to the capitol, he sat there watching television. We've got it on record, we know it for hours. Smiling that look what they're doing. If they would've called him from the capitol and said, Mr. Trump, we've taken over the capitol. Come on down. He would've been there. They should punish him for that. People died. And if not in Congress, a real sue Pentagon didn't allow the national Guard to be there Speaker 0 00:52:12 And Biden can try only once with fossil fuels. I said, China's building at least 24 more or 30 more coal fired plants cuz they're cheaper and quicker to build for the power we're gonna get the pollution in the same air that we all breathe. So again, the title this week is keep going, participate. We will be stronger in the end. Let people get vaccinated. I've been vaccinated as a veteran and an old one. They called me when they got the stuff I went down. I got it. I still wear my mask cuz I don't know if I could just become a carrier and not get sick. But give it to other people. It doesn't take much thought to understand this stuff. So forget about the petty little things. We're dealing with a very big thing, okay? Speaker 0 00:53:04 The us there were articles, if you wanna read the US as a develop one of the top developed nations in the world. We have the worst workers benefits, whether it's pensions, medical, healthcare. When Trump or other people wanna cut taxes, they say Europe has lower taxes. So we're gonna cut. Hey, we're not Europe. Maybe our taxes are needed for something that we need. So don't listen to bullshit, read and understand. Send me questions. I keep telling you my sight. You can find me at a e, the word equals mc sq You don't just have to send these comments, you send me an email, I will talk about it the next time or answer you directly. This is what we have to do. It is our country, our world. We live in it. We deal with what we get because of what we either work on or not. And by the way, look up famine. Famine has killed many more people than people realize. One of the worst famines in the world in all of history, all of history. A famine killed between 20 and 50 million people. Guess where it was in China? And guess you may think it was a couple of thousand years ago in China. Look it up. 1959 to 1961 because they had people who mis ran their economy. A country's economy and government is not a business. Speaker 0 00:54:59 It takes a little bit different understanding. It doesn't mean a businessman can't help, but it is not a business. By the way, China lost 25 million people in famine in 1907. Just do some research. Look up Fanon, they'll tell you all the dates. But the worst fanon in the world was 1959 to 61. At least 20 million, maybe as much as 50. They don't always tell you how many people died. We don't go in there and count 'em. So folks, I want you all please make comments. Share what I put up. I've had my technical people, I think at my podcast site, put that we have 40,000 locations in this country under different things. Doctor's offices, supermarkets that give injections right now, we may need a few of these soldiers to go there and do it cuz they're busy processing other things like prescriptions when we don't have to build. Speaker 0 00:56:01 Biden wasn't wrong. He's saying if he had to, he'd build a hundred centers. We may have to build some. And by the way, we are getting some new things. I look at it that a vaccine that works is a vaccine that helps you. So if it isn't 95% great, who cares? It protects me. I may not die from it. The Johnson and Johnson won. The effectiveness was not as high and it's a one shot. Doesn't need the refrigeration. Less expensive. Easy to move around and take the people in rural areas. And when anybody asks you, what are we gonna pay for our shot? Who do you think paid for buying this vaccine from these companies? The US Treasury? Whose money did they use our money? When are you gonna get the point? People, I've been planning on writing a book then I said, well a book. Speaker 0 00:57:03 Most people don't read books. And you know what? It's gonna be boring because it's not gonna be a novel where somebody gets involved and has a kid, has an affair and whatever. And I think it's great. We all need entertainment. I love going to movies like James Bond. They allow my brain to just go out there and imagine what would I do if I'm running through this junk? But in reality, in reality, I was gonna put a book out and I'm still working on it that will talk about all these things. But it's not like chapter 1 23 I, no matter how many chapters I'm rethinking it. If you suddenly see something, I'm deciding in this modern world with ePublishing and everything I've worked with some people I write well, but there are people who are more creative in turning it into nicest sentences. Sometimes I use too many words. So stay tuned. Speaker 0 00:58:02 My promo people in my management tell me we do have hats. You want something? I pay for this all by myself. It's not that expensive. But I consider it worth it cuz I can contact more people. I hope you ask people to listen to this or use it to put their kids to sleep. This one has everything on it. It's got my AE logo and it's got my N I H, which I came up with at the beginning. Keep it simple. Make it happen. M i h. So look folks, I'll be back next week. We had a great guest last week, so I didn't get to go into certain things. I bunched a lot of stuff together. I appreciate you listening and I will be here next week to talk to you again and please tell your friends to listen. Thank you.

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